Gain the “Energy Edge”
- energy
For Your Health…
Tips to Developing Better Health and Well-being
Gain the “Energy Edge”
These suggestions will give you a big lift without wearing you down:
- Forget the snooze button – Stretch in bed instead!
Flexibility exercises can improve balance, coordination and mental alertness, boost your creativity and reduce your level of anxiety,
leaving you ready to face the day. - Start the day on “Full” – Fuel up with a healthy breakfast!
It’s hard for anyone to concentrate when hungry. A nourishing meal will give you the energy you need to make decisions and to perform
productively. - Re-Fuel Frequently – Eat Every 5 Hours!
Fit good nutrition into a hectic schedule by planning frequent snacks throughout the day. Your mind & body will benefit from eating
every 5 hours. In addition, a small meal one or two hours before exercise will give you the fuel you need to get moving. - Develop a cheering section!
A little support can go a long way, so find a friend or coworker to exercise with. Be sure to tell your family and friends that you have decided to be more active and how you plan to do it. Letting people know what you want to accomplish will help you stay with it. - Exercise “Lite” for a low-fat physique!
Rather than trying to find an hour or even 30 minutes to spend in the gym, fit in small doses of exercise around your regular, everyday activities. Start with two minute walks – during breaks at work or while dinner is cooking. Getting over this first hurdle usually makes you feel so great, you will want to do more. - Celebrate your progress!
Set goals and reward yourself when you meet them. If you stick with your routine for 2 weeks, for instance, treat yourself to a relaxing massage or a new item of clothing. Next, set your sights a little higher and come up with a new, even better reward. Whether you are thinking about beginning a diet or increasing your activity to boost your energy level, our staff can help. We can provide the guidance and motivation needed to set realistic goals and to facilitate healthy lifestyle changes.
If a higher level of wellness is a personal goal of yours, but you are in need of some external guidance and motivation, contact your neighborhood Pharmacist / Nutritionist / Fitness Professionals at Carnegie-Sargent’s Pharmacy and Health Center. (312) 280-1220. Remember health promotion begins with you!

At Carnegie Sargent’s Pharmacy we take pride in bringing you the best health care, products and information. Our professional staff can help make simple changes that will lead to a lead to a lifetime of healthier living.
Ask Your Pharmacist – Have a question for us? Give us a call or stop in for a private consultation. If you’d prefer, send a message below and it may end up in a future Ask the Pharmacist article.
– Mark Paley, Registered Pharmacist/Director