Help Preserve Youthful Skin
- skin
For Your Good Health…
Tips on How to Preserve Youthful Skin
Age gracefully by planning ahead
Avoid factors known to age or damage the skin. Excess sun exposure, Tanning booths, Rough cleansing products, Cigarette smoking, Facial expressions that alter the skin ( frowning, squinting, scowling, and puckering), and very hot showers.
Liberally apply moisturizers immediately after washing. Add vaporizers & humidifiers to living areas especially during dry winter months.
Protect yourself from the suns damaging rays. The Skin Cancer Foundation advises wearing tightly woven clothing colored red, green or blue. These colors absorb the suns damaging UV rays. Avoid sun exposure during peak burning times, 11AM -3PM. Apply sunscreen before going out in the sun, preferably water resistant products that do not wash off easily.
Understanding SPF’s numbers on sunscreens
Example. Using an SPF 45, provides 45 times your natural protection against sunburn. In other words, if you normally burn after 1 minute in the sun, by wearing an SPF 45 sunscreen you can expect to last 45 minutes before burning.
If a higher level of wellness is a personal goal of yours, but you are in need of some external guidance and motivation, contact your neighborhood Pharmacist / Nutritionist / Fitness Professionals at Carnegie-Sargent’s Pharmacy and Health Center. (312) 280-1220. Remember health promotion begins with you!

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– Mark Paley, Registered Pharmacist/Director